Creative Conversation for Organisations

Better communication, relationships and returns

Creative Conversation is a set of seven highly practical communication habits that anyone can learn. These habits aren't about becoming a better ‘communicator’, but about becoming an effective relationship-builder – with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

When you commit to applying the 7 Habits of Creative Conversation, it has powerful results:

  • Transform poor or painful relationships into value-creating, collaborative ones.
  • End misunderstandings, badly managed feedback and poorly handled conflicts to create a healthier work culture
  • Increase engagement, deepen understanding and strengthen connections between colleagues, customers and suppliers.

Get in touch to find out more about the Creative Conversation programme for organisations.


Hear from past participants...

It has enabled us to learn together and have a very constructive process of building that relationship without any tension. So in terms of a new team performing it has been brilliant.

Adele Madin, Director of operations
East Coast Community Healthcare CIC

I think the revelation for me and for all of us was that it wasn't just the big conflict stuff, it was the little areas of discomfort. It's the going into a meeting and thinking, 'Oh not really looking forward to this. Why do I feel apprehensive? What is it about?' And you don't know. So what this course did was give me a framework.

Alison Hopkins, Chief Executive
Accelerate CIC

It made me much more open, to say, 'Well, the answer to relationships that aren't that good, is not to avoid them, it's to actually develop them. Be open to them.' And they're the most important relationships, maybe, that need to be tended to. It's going to make a massive difference to the whole organisation...if we all can get on board, it is going to be an amazing place to work.

Michelle Brammeier, Catalyst Way Director
Catalyst Choices CIC

One of the things that I personally hadn't anticipated was that a number of us on the course were able to put this into practice in our clinical work, and gain results that are probably better than we would've got previously.

Jonathan Parsons, Managing Director
Chime Healthcare

It’s not like you complete the course and that’s it. This is about giving you the tools  that will then stay with you as you work in your own organisation and beyond. So for me I think it’s something I certainly want other members of the team to go through.

Sarah Cook, CEO
Home-Start HOST

I think it's fundamental to everything we do. I think managing relationships between people who use our services, people who deliver services, and people who fund or design services is imperative to getting things right for individuals...At work, it's allowed me to challenge some of the issues that I've been having with people and actually confront some of the problems that I've had in terms of building better relationships with people.

Jason Joseph, Transformation and Change Mental Health lead
NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board

I can see how it will cascade into team meetings and make them more meaningful, give everyone a better input. So I think it will change things quite a bit.

Anna Trotter, Operations Manager
Chime Healthcare


The 7 Habits of Creative Conversation:

By taking the habits one by one and building them through consistent practice in everyday situations you'll see the foundations of creative conversation grow stronger and stronger.

Any one of these habits will have a significant positive effect on your relationships. Developing all of them will be transformative.

Habit one

Understand First

Grasp fully what the other person is thinking and feeling, free from the colour of your opinion, judgement or advice.

Habit two

Be Understood

Help others fully grasp whatever it is that you most want them to understand.

Habit three

Take Ownership

See yourself as an active agent at the centre of things. When you change, your relationships naturally reflect that change.

Habit four

Stay Open

Take responsibility for reducing whatever blockage there is between you and others, so that everyone benefits.

Habit five

Meet Needs

Value is created at the very moment when you meet one or more human needs – including your own, of course.

Habit six

Challenge Well

Challenging and receiving challenge well in return with a spirit of empathy and creative collaboration.

Habit seven

Be Prepared

Reframe any ‘difficult’ conversation as a creative conversation – not just for yourself but for the other person too.

6. Challenge Well

Enjoy thinking together without conflict

7. Be Prepared

Put an end to ‘difficult’ conversations

3. Take Ownership

Use your power to transform relationships

4. Stay Open

Connect with different people and ideas

5. Meet Needs

Get quickly to the heart of things

1. Understand First

Create connection, clarity & trust

2. Be Understood

Ensure everyone’s on the same page

Get in touch to find out more about how your team can gain these seven habits through the Creative Conversation programme for organisations.


Expertly designed

Who developed Creative Conversation?

It was developed by Peter Osborn and Eddy Canfor-Dumas, co-founders of The Centre of Creative Conversation and co-authors of The Talking Revolution,  a book which has been featured in BBC Radio 4’s ‘Word of Mouth’ with Michael Rosen and was used as the basis for the annual ‘Let’s Talk New York’ events in Manhattan in 2019 and 2020.

Eddy Canfor-Dumas also edited and co-wrote Understand to Prevent: the military contribution to the prevention of violent conflict, a ground-breaking, multinational project.

Bubble Chamber CIC have closely partnered with Peter and Eddy since 2020 to design and deliver the Creative Conversation programme for organisations.