CHANGE-MAKER, You Deserve a Champion.

It takes courage and determination to be an impact-led entrepreneur.

Instead of sitting back and complaining about the world's problems, you're finding new waysto enable people to live happy and fulfilling lives.

But creating positive change through business is no small task.

Purpose-driven leaders like you are often misunderstood and dismissed.

Many people just don’t get why it’s important to balance impact with financial sustainability. And that can make for a lonely leadership journey.

You deserve a champion. Someone you can rely on to give you solid impact-focused business advice that supports your vision.

That's why we've created Bubble Chamber:a safe space for business unusual.


Maximise Your Financial, Social, Environmental & Employee Value

We believe financial, social, environmental, and employee capital, are equally important and are therefore entitled to an equal return.

Mainstream business, government, and non-for-profit models usually don’t allow for this.

But that’s not stopping impact-led entrepreneurs. Thousands of innovators are forging ahead with businesses that aim to turn a healthy profit while making a difference.

We call these change-makers “4th Sector Entrepreneurs”.

enterprising, but too shareholder focused

being of service,
but too hierarchical

but too stifling

As a company driven by a passion for growing impact, we belong in this new 4th Sector too. Our co-founders Ben Freedman and Craig Carey have spent a combined 50+ years in the social space and profit-for-good enterprises.

So, we know what it's like not to belong in any of the traditional sectors. We understand how lonely it can be when investors can’t see that your impact goals and your people are just as important as your bottom line.

We’ve also felt how frustrating it is to have the best intentions yet constantly get caught up in repetitive patterns of miscommunication, talent inefficiencies, conflicts not being resolved, plans not being executed, and time being wasted.

So, what’s the solution?

The key to success in the 4th sector is clarity: clarity of leadership, clarity of strategy, and clarity of culture.

Using our proven 4-step process, we help 4th sector founders and leaders get clear. We then support them in strategically maximising sustainable value for all stakeholders.


Confident & Happy Clients

‘I think that the level of clarity meant that I was able to achieve absolutely everything that I'd set out to achieve...’

Andrew Croft, Chief Executive

‘It has been immensely valuable to be supported and challenged by someone who works hard to ensure an understanding of our specific needs...’

Dom Cotton, Joint CEO

‘Their coaching approach has ensured that we feel listened to and understood at all times as we have developed our strategy for growth...’

Kathryn Uche, Chief Executive

‘I have really enjoyed first feeling understood and then challenged to find the most productive path forward for everyone...’

Peter Hyman, Co-Director

‘You won't gain clarity about your social enterprise's purpose and strategy without challenge, and that's what Bubble Chamber helped me with...’

Brendan Martin, Managing Director

‘I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to any Social Enterprise looking to grow their social impact...’

Joanne Brown, Director


Your Objective 4th Sector Champion

We are not traditional business consultants: delivering a report telling you what you should do. A report with limited consideration of the specific needs of your organisation or the individuals within it.

We don’t believe that works well in the 4th Sector space.

We're also not executive coaches: only focusing on your needs as an individual, asking you what you'd like to work on, and then guiding you in that direction. Because sometimes, you might not know what the next priority should be.

‘We like to think of ourselves as your committed & effective 4th Sector champion.’

Ben Freedman,
Bubble Chamber Co-Founder

Instead, we are business coaches.

What we care about most is that you’re able to achieve what you’ve set out to achieve.

So, we balance the needs of the individuals with those of the organisation to enable clear, scalable results.

We focus on where you want to go and the practicalities of getting there.

Our team will have your back, help you forge a clear path, challenge you gently when needed, and enable you to turn your vision into tangible success for all stakeholders.

To learn more about our unique approach and proven 4-step process for 4th sector entrepreneurship success, check out our Services page.


Shape a Balanced Future for You & Your Business

We get it: balancing profit-making, delivering excellent customer service, keeping employees engaged, and making a positive impact, can be tough.

But self-sacrifice doesn't have to be the default tactic to meet your business goals or solve the social or ecological problems you're passionate about.

We can help you to:

gain clarity on your role as a leader

move from working in the business to on it

be clear on the best strategy to follow

ensure your employees are engaged with your purpose and values

feel fulfilled knowing your organisation is genuinely delivering impact

achieve a sustainable financial future for your organisation and its stakeholders

It all starts with an initial informal chat…

…so we can get a proper understanding of your challenges. Email us today or call Bubble Chamber co-founder Craig on the number listed.

Free Clarity Questionnaire

You're welcome to 'test drive' our services by taking our free 4th sector Clarity Questionnaire and then having a complimentary 60-minute 1:1 session with Ben or Craig, valued at £375.

This offers a simple opportunity to get clear on your business goals, experience our approach, and set the scene for how we might work together.


We Wrote the Book On It, Literally

We’re thrilled to see enterprise mixing with the sense of service of government and the compassion of not-for-profits, to create an exciting space where innovation for substantial social good can truly thrive.

It’s time to start talking clearly, coherently, and consistently about a 4th Sector of the economy. So, we wrote a book about it.

‘4th Sector Entrepreneurship’ rapidly reached #1 on Amazon Kindle. It includes interviews with +35 successful 4th Sector Entrepreneurs and is crammed full of the tools and ideas that inform our approach. It's been dubbed a definitive guide by industry leaders.

Intended as a helpful framework for 4th Sector leaders, we wrote this book for you.

Download the first two chapters for free today!